Thanks to you, our customers, we have discovered a timing issue in the Pixout recorder. It turned out Pixout recorder played Art-Net data a little bit faster than original data. Probably you haven’t even noticed it. This wasn’t an easy task to crack, yet we tried hard, checking every single data packet to resolve this […]
Let’s assume you have changed the default ( IP address of the Pixout ArtNet DMX Recorder to another one and forget it.
Update internal components for Web Admin/User panels and bug fixes.
David make a review of how to replace the lighting console for control of a long-term installation with Pixout ArtNet DMX recorder.
Last year was quite hectic here at Pixout, as we were working continuously to improve the Pixout controller’s software despite COVID lockdown in the lighting industry. That is why today we are happy to announce the end of an era of the Pixout 1.x version, which was there for us from 2015 to 2020. Now […]
Today we are happy to announce the end of an era of Pixout 1.x version, which was there for us from 2015 to 2021. Following you can find the last release notes for Pixout 1.x version software.
The following article will describe how to grab ArtNet DMX data from MagicQ software/lighting-desk to Pixout ArtNet DMX recorder
Time scheduler now working with repeats. Available Options following: No Repeat, every day, weekly, monthly, yearly
Import via USB flash drive allows importing cuelists.px from USB flash drive. This file should be located in Drive:\import\ directory. Import will be enabled only if the switch is located in ON position until the user turns it OFF.
In the process of constant improvements, we came up to one of the best versions of Pixout Recorder hardware. From now on, every Recorder will have two major components: 1. Сore Board 2. Pixout Extension board. The Core Board is based on Raspberry PI, and the extension board is quite self-explanatory. Yet we want to […]