Time scheduler now working with repeats. Available Options following: No Repeat, every day, weekly, monthly, yearly
Repeat type
- No repeat – Scheduled job (start/stop cuelist) will be faired at a specified date and time only
- Everyday – Scheduled job (start/stop cuelist) will be faired every day at a specified time
- Weekly – Scheduled job (start/stop cuelist) will be faired every week on the same day and specified time
- Monthly – Scheduled job (start/stop cuelist) will be faired every month on the same day and specified time
- Yearly – Scheduled job (start/stop cuelist) will be faired a specified time every year
- Scheduler with repeat
Packages and versions
- PXCLIENT – 1.1.14
- PXSERVER – 1.4.4
We will keep you posted on whatever new releases we have.
I hope you enjoy your Pixout ArtNet Recorder device!
Pixout team
Outdoor LED lighting/video controller for ArtNet DMX recording and playback. Up to 64 universes.
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