Create magical atmosphere in your backyard or decorate main Christmas tree in your town it is possible with LED lighting decoration. Take a look and get inspired of two projects in Latvia with unique Christmas atmosphere. Those projects emits magical atmosphere and everybody gonna love it for surely. Take a look and get inspired to make this Christmas atmosphere like never before. Have a fun and enjoy!
Christmas tree lighting
Beautiful Christmas tree decorated with LED lamps and remote control from your preferred remote device (tablet PC, PC or iOS device).
Technical Details:
- ArtNet controller for LED lamps, 4 universe
- Super bright and waterproof LED lamps (80 mm diameter each lamp)
- Pixout ArtNet recorder ( 4 universe, waterproof ) for effects recording from MADRIX software and then replaying it. The recorder located on the tree and have Wireless connection till house router.
- Pixout Remote iOS free application allows you to interact with your Pixout ArtNet recorder via a local Wi-Fi or global network quickly and conveniently and change pre-recorded effects on the fly
Christmas Tree Lighting Festival in Rezekne, Latvia
Technical Details:
- ArtNet controller for LED lamps, 4 universe
- Super bright and waterproof LED lamps (80mm diameter each lamp)
- Pixout ArtNet recorder ( 4 universe, waterproof ) for effects recording from MADRIX software and then replaying it.
Outdoor LED lighting/video controller for ArtNet DMX recording and playback. Up to 64 universes.
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