Create magical atmosphere in your backyard or decorate main Christmas tree in your town it is possible with LED lighting decoration. Take a look and get inspired of two projects in Latvia with unique Christmas atmosphere. Those projects emits magical atmosphere and everybody gonna love it for surely. Take a look and get inspired to make this Christmas atmosphere like never before. Have a fun and enjoy!

Christmas tree lighting

Beautiful Christmas tree decorated with LED lamps

Beautiful Christmas tree decorated with LED lamps and remote control from your preferred remote device (tablet PC, PC or iOS device).

Technical Details:

  • ArtNet controller for LED lamps, 4 universe
  • Super bright and waterproof LED lamps (80 mm diameter each lamp)
  • Pixout ArtNet recorder  ( 4 universe, waterproof ) for effects recording from MADRIX software and then replaying it. The recorder located on the tree and have Wireless connection till house router.
  • Pixout Remote iOS free application allows you to interact with your Pixout ArtNet recorder via a local Wi-Fi or global network quickly and conveniently and change pre-recorded effects on the fly

Christmas Tree Lighting Festival in Rezekne, Latvia

Technical Details:

  • ArtNet controller for LED lamps, 4 universe
  • Super bright and waterproof LED lamps (80mm diameter each lamp)
  • Pixout ArtNet recorder  ( 4 universe, waterproof ) for effects recording from MADRIX software and then replaying it.


Outdoor LED lighting/video controller for ArtNet DMX recording and playback. Up to 64 universes.

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